Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Camilo Vergara, April 14, 2011: Talk and Photographic History of Detroit

The luncheon will be 12:00-1:30 on April 14, 2011 at the Henry Center and will focus on a talk and photographic history of Detroit by renowned photographer, writer, and documentarian Camilo Vergara. If you would like to attend the luncheon, please RSVP directly to Kate Durkee ( to ensure we have enough food and space.

Blog Prompt #25

Challenge: Think of a location that your thesis project could be displayed, exhibited, disseminated, installed, shop-dropped (, placed, hidden, mounted, projected, inserted, etc. that is outside the traditional gallery setting.

Blog Prompt #24 (Related to M.F.A. talks)

1. Which of the presenters’ work did you most relate to or were most inspired by?

2. Which of the presenters’ ideas did you most relate to or were you most inspired by?

3. Describe how one of the presenters revealed new layers of meaning in her/his work through their talk. How did your understanding of the work change or what did you learn that you were not aware of when viewing/experiencing the work prior to hearing the talks?

4. What would you have wished to hear more about through their talks?

5. Did you find that the ideas discussed were clearly represented in the formal/visual/sensory aspects of work? Did you find that the work revealed other ideas beyond what the artist discussed? Did you find that there were disconnects or that the words and visual elements of the works connected?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Call for Entries: Art & Film Exhibit at MSU!

Calling all artists,
Are you interested in a showing your artwork in a relaxed setting for your friends and classmates to see? Then you might be interested in submitting art for the Film and Art Festival in RCAH on April 4th. All types of artwork are acceptable. If you need to install the piece, remember that it will only be up for a couple of hours, so easy-to-install pieces are preferable.

Email a description or image of your piece and how it needs to be displayed (on the wall, on a table, etc.). The artwork will not be juried.

The deadline for submissions is March 31st. The show is April 4th from 7-9pm, and set-up is at 6:00. If you cannot make the event but still want to enter, we can meet and I will retrieve your artwork for the show and give it back afterward.

People can vote on their favorite art pieces and at the end of the night, 1st, 2nd, 3rd place winners are announced. The winners receive a certificate and the satisfaction of popular vote!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Blog Prompt #23

  1. What is the concept driving your thesis project at this point in the semester? Has your concept changed since the beginning of the semester? If so, describe the changes?
  2. How has your process of experimentation and image creation throughout the semester expanded, redirected, altered, or tightened your concept?
  3. How has your process of experimentation and image creation throughout the semester affected the visual aspects of your work?
  4. Describe how the visual aspects of your project align with the content and concept of your project. Are there ways in which they seem contrary to your concept? How might you tackle this misalignment?

Art of Photography Show

Call for work

Past Winners

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

M.F.A. Students' Gallery Talks

Tuesday, March 29, 11:30

Foster, Gerber, Martens, Zhang

Wednesday, March 30: 11:30

Brown, Howell, Prillwitz, Sullivan

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Michigan Photo Expo Trade Show! (tomorrow)


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Two MSU Fine Art Candidates will be having a dual exhibition at Art Alley

Two Michigan State Fine Art Candidates will be having a dual exhibition at Art Alley
located in Reo Town, Lansing, MI.
Saturday March 12th at 7pm
Follow the link for more
Also, featuring the feminist band-BITCH cover $15

Deborah Wheeler
Rebekah Zurenko


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Nature Photographer Presentation!

Joe Zammit-Lucia

Conservation as Human-Nature Relationship: Art or Science?
Date: Tuesday, April 5, 2:30 - 4:00
Location: 115 International Center Room
Speaker: Joe Zammit-Lucia, photographer and special advisor to the Director General, IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature

Julie Mack Works-in-Progress Critiques

Julie Mack

Julie Mack will be visiting class on March 17th. Please post your name as a comment to this blog entry if you would like to sign up for a works-in-progress critique with her.

Contemporary Photographer Presentation 6

Select a photographer/artist from the list on the "VERY LONG list of Photographers" handout. Post your selection as a comment added to this blog entry. If you see your photographer listed, please select another photographer/artist from the list. For this presentation, pick TWO photographers from the category "The Synthesized Image".

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Blog Prompts #20 & #21

#20 Describe some common aesthetic/formal qualities, content, and conceptual threads in “snapshot” photography.

#21 Brainstorms! (In an effort to expand, improve, push your thesis projects further, pick 5 of the following to discuss.)
a. Ideas sometimes grow out of irritation. What is a negative thought you are having about your project? What is the opposite of this negative thought? How could you implement a change in your project so that this negative thought will subside?
b. What is the “opposite” of your thesis project? How can you rework your project to include the “opposite”?
c. What is a consistent theme/visual element in your project? What would be the opposite of this? How can you implement that into your project?
d. Type twenty words or phrases that relate to your project.
e. At the deepest core, describe why you like this project. Dig deep!
f. Expand your project. If time, money, materials, etc would not affect you, how would you expand your project?
g. Contract your project. What would it boil down to if squeezed and contracted to its simplest form?
h. Look at one of your images/projects. Redesign it entirely.
i. Divide your project into three components. Rearrange and reassemble them in your mind.
j. List your assumptions about your project. Reverse these.
k. What would your project look like 100 years ago? What would your project look like 100 years in the future?
l. Remove something from your project. How does it change?
m. Persuade the reader that your project works well and is the most amazing project you have ever completed.
n. Persuade the reader that your project stinks. Then, persuade the reader that you will make changes so that it no longer stinks.
o. Think of one of your most memorable dreams. How could you add elements from this dream to your project?
p. How would you convert your project into a narrative? How would you remove any narrative from your project?
q. How would you connect your images physically and conceptually? How would you make them disconnected physically and conceptually?
r. What would happen if you demolished your project and reconstructed it physically or conceptually?
s. Name an artist/photographer/designer/videographer who would love your project. Why?
t. Name an artist/photographer/designer/videographer who would hate your project. Why?
u. How would you make your project more edgy, saccharine, provocative, empty, revealing, concealing, funny, sad, mysterious, blunt, honest, disingenuous, fast, slow, playful, austere, hateful, lovable, bold, subtle, long, short, big, small, connected, disconnected?


500 Photographers